
We consider systems confined to a d-dimensional slab of macroscopic lateral extension and finite thickness L that undergo a continuous bulk phase transition in the limit L --> infinity and are describable by an O(n) symmetrical Hamiltonian. Periodic boundary conditions are applied across the slab. We study the effects of long-range pair interactions whose potential decays as bx-(d+sigma) as x --> infinity, with 2<sigma<4 and 2<d+sigma< or =6, on the Casimir effect at and near the bulk critical temperature Tc,infinity, for 2<d<4. These interactions decay sufficiently fast to leave bulk critical exponents and other universal bulk quantities unchanged--i.e., they are irrelevant in the renormalization group (RG) sense. Yet they entail important modifications of the standard scaling behavior of the excess free energy and the Casimir force Fc. We generalize the phenomenological scaling Ansätze for these quantities by incorporating these long-range interactions. For the scaled reduced Casimir force per unit cross-sectional area, we obtain the form LdFc/kBt approximately Xi0(L/xi infinity) + g omegaL -omega Xi omega (L/Xi infinity) + g sigma L -omega sigma Xi sigma (L/Xi infinity). Here Xi0, Xi omega, and Xi sigma are universal scaling functions; g omega and g sigma are scaling fields associated with the leading corrections to scaling and those of the long-range interaction, respectively; omega and omega sigma = sigma + eta - 2 are the associated correction-to-scaling exponents, where eta denotes the standard bulk correlation exponent of the system without long-range interactions; xi infinity is the (second-moment) bulk correlation length (which itself involves corrections to scaling). The contribution proportional variant g sigma decays for T not = Tc,infinity algebraically in L rather than exponentially, and hence becomes dominant in an appropriate regime of temperatures and L. We derive exact results for spherical and Gaussian models which confirm these findings. In the case d + sigma = 6, which includes that of nonretarded van der Waals interactions in d = 3 dimensions, the power laws of the corrections to scaling proportional to b of the spherical model are found to get modified by logarithms. Using general RG ideas, we show that these logarithmic singularities originate from the degeneracy omega = omega sigma = 4 - d that occurs for the spherical model when d + sigma = 6, in conjunction with the b dependence of g omega.

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