
Excess molar enthalpies H E mand excess molar volumes V E mhave been determined for { xC 2H 6+ (1 − x)CH 3(CH 2) 2OH} at T= (298.15, 323.15, and 348.15) K and p= (5, 10, 12.5, and 15) MPa. The H E ms were measured with a high-temperature high-pressure flow calorimeter. The V E ms were measured simultaneously with a vibrating-tube densitometer inserted in the flow line of the calorimeter past the mixing chamber. (Vapor + liquid) equilibrium is present at p= 5 MPa and T= (323.15 K and 348.15 K). The value of the pressure coefficient (∂ H E m/∂ p) T , which is large at all three temperatures, is calculated from V E mand (∂ V E m/∂ T) p . The results are in good agreement with the values obtained directly from the change in H E mwith pressure.

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