
In 2020, nearly 400 elephants died within the Okavango Delta region in Botswana, creating the worst-ever elephant mass die-off event in history. This catastrophic event was widely blamed on toxic cyanobacterial blooms after lab results showed the presence of toxin-forming cyanobacteria in inland waters of the Delta. However, it did not explain why we saw this mass die-off of elephants in 2020 and not in previous years. We conducted a landscape-wide time-series analysis using freely available European Space Agency's Sentinel-2 and NASA's Landsat-8 satellite data. We used existing bio-optical models, Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index and Green Line Height, as proxies for chlorophyll-a and phycocyanin (cyanobacteria) concentrations. We found that 2020 was an exceptional year for cyanobacteria blooms in the Okavango Delta region compared to the past three years (2017–2019). Bloom phenology indicated that the cyanobacteria blooms initiated in September-October 2019, experienced an exponential growth reaching peak in January-February 2020, and eventually senescing in June 2020. This being a notoriously data-scarce region of the world, we did not have any means to perform site-specific validation of the models. Although magnitude and timeline of the blooms coincided with the timeline of elephant death reports, our study do not confirm it to be the trigger. For the first time, we show the widespread nature of these blooms across the landscape, which may have increased the toxin exposure for elephants. We theorize that 2020 might have been the first year for such a mass die-off event, but it will certainly not be the last because warming trends under changing climate are creating increasingly suitable conditions for these blooms to be pervasive and ubiquitous. Through this preliminary study, we demonstrate the critical need for frequent and comprehensive monitoring of toxic cyanobacterial blooms in the Delta to avoid another such event in the future.

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