
In 1965 the Winchester Excavations Committee was again joined by the University of North Carolina and Duke University in excavations on five sites in the city. The work lasted eleven weeks from the latter part of June to the beginning of September and an average of 130 people took part, slightly under £10,000 being spent. Special thanks are due to the U.N.C.—Duke Committee, under the chairmanship of Professor F. T. de Vyver and including Professors Hall, Holcomb, Holmes, and Schnorrenberg, for their efforts which ensured the successful continuation of the Anglo-American co-operation. The heavy burden of administration was again carried by the City of Winchester, to whose Town Clerk, Mr. R. H. McCall, a special debt is owed, and the Hampshire County Council, particularly the Supplies Officer, Mr. R. E. V. Fardell. Through the good offices of the Army, Bushfield Camp was again made available and the Ministry of Public Building and Works gave great help in this connexion. All arrangements concerning volunteers were made by Mrs. J. Gosling, to whom particular thanks are due, and my own administrative work has been handled throughout by Mrs. M. Channer, to whom I am greatly indebted. Financial assistance from the following bodies is most gratefully acknowledged: the University of North Carolina, Duke University, the University of Exeter, the Old Dominion Foundation, the Ministry of Public Building and Works, the Hampshire County Council, the City of Winchester, the British Academy, the Society of Antiquaries, the British Museum, and many private donors. Additional funds were received in site collections and from the sale of publications, the whole of which, including guided tours of the sites, was organized by Mr. F. C. Mallett, Assistant Secretary of the Excavations Committee. The many problems of financial administration were again handled by Mr. W. D. Rider, City Treasurer, and his staff, particularly Mr. G. P. Grey.

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