
Editing a photo-realistic gradient mesh is a tough task. Even only editing the colors of an existing gradient mesh can be exhaustive and time-consuming. To facilitate user-friendly color editing, we develop an example-based color transfer method for gradient meshes, which borrows the color characteristics of an example image to a gradient mesh. We start by exploiting the constraints of the gradient mesh, and accordingly propose a linear-operator-based color transfer framework. Our framework operates only on colors and color gradients of the mesh points and preserves the topological structure of the gradient mesh. Bearing the framework in mind, we build our approach on PCA-based color transfer. After relieving the color range problem, we incorporate a fusion-based optimization scheme to improve color similarity between the reference image and the recolored gradient mesh. Finally, a multi-swatch transfer scheme is provided to enable more user control. Our approach is simple, effective, and much faster than color transferring the rastered gradient mesh directly. The experimental results also show that our method can generate pleasing recolored gradient meshes.

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