
Aim and Significance: The review examines the impact of Australian government policies on healthcare quality delivery to the minority communities of the aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community within Australia. The focus is on the value and impacts of the policies, denoting their success and limitation areas. This is informed by the need to ensure equity for all in accessing healthcare services as a global healthcare provision sustainability goal. Methods: This review was based on a search of the existing secondary data that is publicly available. The analysis searched the Australian government website for its official healthcare policy publications and supporting peer reviews from the Google scholar, PubMed, Scopus, and Medline databases, respectively. The findings were analysed through the PRISMA model, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to ensure findings relevance and alignment with the review aim. Findings and Conclusion: The review analysis established that the Australian government has enacted healthcare policies targeting the aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community within Australia. Key areas of focus in enhancing healthcare quality for this target healthcare population were (i) improving healthcare access and (ii) enhancing healthcare affordability through cost reduction.

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