
The role of Pentecostal prophets within contemporary South African Pentecostal missions (SAPM) has taken a different turn. This is fundamentally about some Pentecostal prophets who have placed themselves in the position of Christ in the mission of God. This chapter examines the actions of these Pentecostal prophets and their followers in relation to Christology and the mission of God (missio Dei). It moves from the premise that the classical dogmatic Christian mission (CDM) was Christocentric. This was demonstrated by the Trinitarian adage of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit sending the church on missions. The same adage positions Christ at the centre and makes him the foundation of the mission of God. Accordingly, all ministers of the Gospel are sent by the Trinity to accomplish the work that Christ has started. However, there is now an emerging tendency manifesting from the new generation of Pentecostal prophets. These prophets present themselves as iconic and super-human figures who distort the Trinitarian adage. This happens when they display some superiority stunts and domineering tendencies that eventually render Christ invisible in the adage. Furthermore, some of their followers have now turned their faith away from Christ and rely solely on these prophets. Conversely, this is tantamount to the destruction of one foundation of mission where Christ as the chief cornerstone has been replaced. This has marked the beginning of a paradigm shift in the position of Christ in mission. It is in the light of this paradigm shift that this chapter calls African Pentecostal Christians to unite through dialogue, conferences and consultations in the quest of restoring the central place of Christ within their spaces. This call takes Psalms 11:3 as the impetus for Pentecostal Christians to act urgently.

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