
This study aims to examine the influence of eco-motivational factors measured by eco-efficiency, eco-effectiveness, eco-process and eco-brand on the intention to adopt green IT. To have a better outcome on the green IT, a quantitative analysis was performed. The results suggest that all relationships between eco-efficiency, eco-effectiveness, eco-process and eco-brand explored (e.g., predictors) were supported except for eco-process. In comparing the strength of the predictors, eco-brand plays the most vital role, followed by eco-effectiveness and eco-efficiency. Henceforth, all study predictors recognised as the champion in green IT matters. By using the study outcomes, a green IT adoption framework could be established for safeguarding the environment from unnecessary e-waste. The study contributes to the environmental literature in an area that has become a fundamental issue and yet lacking in the particular research outcome. The findings of this study will be useful for the policymaker to oversee the interaction between economic drive, green IT and sustainable environment.

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