
The economic weight of the so-called gig-economy, a system of market service providers, contractors and their employers, based on ad hoc contracts on demand, is growing. This trend, which is significantly transforming the labour market, is not leaving the business models of supply chain actors untouched. Today, the gig-economy model is also becoming increasingly prominent in logistics, with more and more people opting for this economic, entrepreneurial form of business and becoming freelancers. This model offers a number of advantages for workers, freelancers and employers alike. The gig-economy sheds new light on several issues - not only labour-related - but such also as: what factors play a role in the decision of the client and the contractor when they conclude an agreement to perform a service, this study deals with them. The study also explores how the benefits of the gig-economy are perceived by employers, what the keys to success might be, what competences are needed and how efficiency can be measured.

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