
Men who have sex with men (MSM) often use smartphone geosocial networking applications (GSN apps) to meet sex partners. Relative to non-GSN app users, MSM GSN app users have more sex partners. Research also reveals sexual-risk taking is associated with alcohol consumption and sexual sensation seeking (SSS) in MSM. We examined if GSN app use moderated relationships between SSS and risky sexual behaviors, as well as relationships between alcohol use and risky sexual behaviors. Participants were 423 MSM who completed survey measures concerning demographics, app use, alcohol consumption, SSS, and risky sexual behavior recruited via various social networking websites (e.g., Reddit, Facebook). Data revealed that app use predicted recent numbers of male sex partners, and SSS predicted recent and lifetime male sex partners and receptive unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). GSN app use did not moderate relationships between SSS and risky sexual behaviors or between alcohol use and risky sexual behaviors. Although app use did not serve as a moderator, relationships between app use and number of sex partners and SSS and UAI suggest future work should consider how sexual health programming might be incorporated into GSN apps.

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