
while receiving hospice treatment. 10% were discharged with Home Health. Conclusion: With the advanced age of the sample, education programs that would be offered for these individuals in the future would require specific needs and learning styles. It was also noteworthy that more diastolic HF patients returned compared to systolic HF patients. We suggest that more research is needed to explore the correlation between diastolic HF and hospital readmissions within 30 days. The readmission results show many are still at home, yet the discharge plan shows limited use of Home Health services. The relatively high readmissions during the months of April and May were unexpected, as it is typically believed readmissions are highest in the winter months. Although it was not surprising that almost two thirds of the patients were admitted and readmitted with dyspnea, education on steps to assessing shortness of breath could be beneficial. This is especially true in light of the high amount of selfadmissions. Lastly, 25% of patients refused treatment. Patient choice is imperative in managing a chronic disease, but perhaps organized palliative programs with identified quality of life goals for each patient would benefit this population.

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