
Gas-phase experiments, using electrospray ionization quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry (ESI-QIT/MS), were conducted to probe basic interactions of the uranyl(VI) ion, UO22+, with selected natural amino acids, namely, L-cysteine (Cys), L-histidine (His), and L-aspartic acid (Asp), which strongly bind to metal ions. The simplest amino acid, glycine (Gly), was also studied for comparison. Cys, His, and Asp have additional potentially coordinating groups beyond the amino and carboxylic acid functional groups, specifically thiol in Cys, imidazole in His, and a second carboxylate in Asp. Gas-phase experiments comprised collision-induced dissociation (CID) of uranyl–amino acid complexes and competitive CID to assess the relative binding strength of different amino acids in the same uranyl complex. Reactivity of selected uranyl–amino acid complexes with water provided further insights into relative stabilities. In positive ion mode, CID and ensuing reactions with water suggested that uranyl–neutral AA binding strength decreased in the order His > Asp > Cys > Gly, which is similar to amino acid proton affinities. In negative ion mode, CID revealed a decreasing dissociation tendency in the order Gly >> His ≈ Cys > Asp, presumably reflecting a reverse enhanced binding to uranyl of the doubly deprotonated amino acids formed in CID.

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