
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that contributed to pupils' poor mathematics performance at Asesewa Senior High School in Ghana. The researchers therefore seek to investigate the extent to which learning resources availability and learning activities inhibit the performance of students of that district in mathematics. Because the purpose of the study was to acquire information from respondents on their experiences, perceptions, and opinions about students' low performance in mathematics at Asesewa Senior High School, the researchers utilized a descriptive survey approach. The researchers used a descriptive survey approach because the goal of the study was to gather information from respondents on their experiences, views, and opinions about pupils' low math performance at Asesewa Senior High School. As the only school in the Manyakrobo District, it was prudent for the researchers to use it for study. The total number of participants in the study was 250, and the study sample was made up of one hundred and sixty-five (165) students and mathematics teachers of Asesewa Senior High School. Data was obtained through questionnaire distribution and was then analyzed with the help of SPSS. It was discovered that resources were accessible and that they could not be blamed for the drop in student mathematical performance. The survey also found that there was no significant variation in perceptions of resource availability and learning activities between males and females in terms of gender among teachers and students.

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