
Existential issues obstruct the practice of incorporating sustainability concepts, which is the holistic consideration of urban bridge design factors. Bridge infrastructure is considered a connecting structure for separated highways and railways. The case for ensuring the safe mobility of people and goods across obstacles from one urban corner to another is viewed as an essential component of transportation infrastructure. The design and provision of urban bridges to attain sustainability are associated with tremendous challenges because of a lack of awareness and existential issues and obstacles. The problem in the practice of urban bridge design in Ethiopia is indicated as being “traditional” in delivery, with a lack of accommodation for many essential components of sustainable design. Therefore, a change in thinking is needed to address sustainability. The question of how designers could make design practice sustainable is complicated by multiple challenges. In this research, we used a survey questionnaire to collect the opinions of design professionals. Principal component analysis was employed to explore the major gaps in sustainable urban bridge design practice. A lack of sustainable design impact; sustainability awareness; design codes, practices, and standards that consider sustainability criteria; working guiding protocols and frameworks; and support for sustainability practice were identified as major challenges. Addressing the design problem requires a mechanism to consider the challenges through the defined participation of the designer, client, and public during rule setting, monitoring, and evaluation. Sustainability rating tools must also be deployed to evaluate and quantify the performance of urban bridges.

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