
Purpose:The purpose of the present paper is to identify the role of A Study on Teaching Methods and school Students’ performance in urban area. The factors of school performance such as teaching methods (exogenous variable) and school Students performance (Endogenous variable) are measured. The endogenous item is students’ perception is measured as single. Method: Overview technique was utilized in the investigation to gather the information; Structured Questionnaire was dispersed to 55 respondents of understudies (male and female). 05 Questionnaires were seen as unfilled so complete 50 respondents (n=50). CFA and SEM were the factual apparatuses applied for the investigation in AMOS-21 to check the speculation of learn. Findings: The study is portraying on positive and significant relation among the exogenous is level of teaching mathods and the endogenous is school students’ performance. Suggestion: The results display on the paper teaching methods and students perception. Limitations: Time period is another factor limitation for the study. Hence findings cannot be generalized.

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