
Exact analytic solutions for steady-state magnetized plasma flow (MPF) using ideal magnetohydrodynamics formalism are presented. Several cases are considered. When plasma flow is included, a finite plasma pressure gradient ∇p can be maintained in a force-free state J×B=0 by the velocity gradient. Both incompressible and compressible MPF examples are discussed for a Taylor-state spheromak B field. A new magnetized nozzle solution is given for compressible plasma when U∥B. Transition from a magnetized nozzle to a magnetic nozzle is possible when the B field is strong enough. No physical nozzle would be needed in the magnetic nozzle case. Diverging-, drum- and nozzle-shaped MPF solutions when U⊥B are also given. The electric field is needed to balance the U×B term in Ohm’s law. The electric field can be generated in the laboratory with the proposed conducting electrodes. If such electric fields also exist in stars and galaxies, such as through a dynamo process, then these solutions can be candidates to explain single and double jets.

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