
The nonlinear diffusion equation ut=(u−4/3ux)x is reduced by the substitution u=v−3/4 to an equation with quadratic nonlinearities possessing a polynomial invariant linear subspace of the maximal possible dimension equal to five. The dynamics of the solutions on this subspace is described by a fifth-order nonlinear dynamical system (V.A. Galaktionov).We found that, on differentiation, this system reduces to a single linear equation of the second order, which is a special case of the Lamé equation, and that the general solution of this linear equation is expressed in terms of the Weierstrass ℘-function and its derivative. As a result, all exact solutions v(x,t) on a five-dimensional polynomial invariant subspace, as well as the corresponding solutions u(x,t) of the original equation, are constructed explicitly.Using invariance condition, two families of non-invariant solutions are singled out. For one of these families, all types of solutions are considered in detail. Some of them describe peculiar blow-up regimes, while others fade out in finite time.

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