
The 3-12 (or extended kagom\'e) lattice is a three-coordinated irregular planar lattice having physical applications. Viewing its sites as the decoration sites of a doubly decorated honeycomb lattice, one proves via local star-triangle and double decoration-decimation transformations that 3-12 Ising correlations can be conveniently represented as linear combinations of honeycomb Ising correlations. Existent knowledge of all honeycomb Ising correlations upon a select (spatially compact) 10-site cluster is thus sufficient to determine all 3-12 Ising correlations upon an associated 18-site cluster. The total number of 3-12 Ising correlations defined upon this 18-site cluster is exceedingly large, but their actual count is less significant than the realization that each can now be found in a systematic and efficient fashion. Examples of resulting exact solutions for both even- and odd-number multisite correlations of the 3-12 Ising ferromagnet are presented at all temperatures. A simple scaling relationship is established between the asymptotic forms of the pair correlation in the 3-12 and honeycomb Ising models. Besides providing relatively direct derivations (no explicit magnetic fields or field derivatives) for the spontaneous magnetization and internal energy of the 3-12 Ising model, the mapping methods may be repeated recursively to secure Ising multisite correlations upon various other irregular planar lattices.

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