
In a previous paper (Paper I) we developed a technique for exactly solving the linearized Boltzmann equation for the electrical and thermal transport coefficients in metals in the low-temperature limit. Here we adapt this technique to determine the magnon contribution to the electrical and thermal conductivities, and to the thermopower, in metallic ferromagnets. For the electrical resistivity $\rho$ at asymptotically low temperatures we find $\rho \propto \exp{(-T_{\rm min}/T)}$, with $T_{\rm min}$ an energy scale that results from the exchange gap and a temperature independent prefactor of the exponential. The corresponding result for the heat conductivity is $\sigma_h \propto T^3\,\exp{(T_{\rm min}/T)}$, and thermopower is $S \propto T$. All of these results are exact, including the prefactors.

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