
We formulate an exact spacetime mapping between the $\mathcal{N}$-point correlation functions of two different experiments with open quantum gases. Our formalism extends a quantum-field mapping result for closed systems [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{94}, 043628 (2016)] to the general case of open quantum systems with Markovian property. For this, we consider an open many-body system consisting of a $D$-dimensional quantum gas of bosons or fermions that interacts with a bath under Born-Markov approximation and evolves according to a Lindblad master equation in a regime of loss or gain. Invoking the independence of expectation values on pictures of quantum mechanics and using the quantum fields that describe the gas dynamics, we derive the Heisenberg evolution of any arbitrary $\mathcal{N}$-point function of the system in the regime when the Lindblad generators feature a loss or a gain. Our quantum field mapping for closed quantum systems is rewritten in the Schr\"odinger picture and then extended to open quantum systems by relating onto each other two different evolutions of the $\mathcal{N}$-point functions of the open quantum system. As a concrete example of the mapping, we consider the mean-field dynamics of a simple dissipative quantum system that consists of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate being locally bombarded by a dissipating beam of electrons in both cases when the beam amplitude or the waist is steady and modulated.

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