
The properties of exactly integrable two-dimensional quantum systems are reviewed and discussed. The nature of exact integrability as a physical phenomenon and various aspects of the mathematical formalism are explored by discussing several examples, including detailed treatments of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger (delta-function gas) model, the massive Thirring model, and the six-vertex (ice) model. The diagonalization of a Hamiltonian by Bethe's Ansatz is illustrated for the nonlinear Schr\"od\'{\i}nger model, and the integral equation method of Lieb for obtaining the spectrum of the many-body system from periodic boundary conditions is reviewed. Similar methods are applied to the massive Thirring model, where the fermion-antifermion and bound-state spectrum are obtained explicitly by the integral equation method. After a brief review of the classical inverse scattering method, the quantum inverse method for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger model is introduced and shown to be an algebraization of the Bethe Ansatz technique. In the quantum inverse method, an auxiliary linear problem is used to define nonlocal operators which are functionals of the original local field on a fixed-time string of arbitrary length. The particular operators for which the string is infinitely long (free boundary conditions) or forms a closed loop around a cylinder (periodic boundary conditions) correspond to the quantized scattering data and have a special significance. One of them creates the Bethe eigenstates, while the other is the generating function for an infinite number of conservation laws. The analogous operators on a lattice are constructed for the symmetric six-vertex model, where the object which corresponds to a solution of the auxiliary linear problem is a string of vertices contracted over horizontal links (arrows). The relationship between the quantum inverse method and the transfer matrix formalism is exhibited. The inverse Gel'fand-Levitan transform which expresses the local field operator as a functional of the quantized scattering data is formulated for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, and some interesting properties of this transformation are noted, including its reduction to a Jordan-Wigner transformation in the limit of infinitely repulsive coupling.

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