
In this paper, we give an exact behavior on the boundary and at infinity of the unique solution to the following singular boundary value problem −Δu=a(x)g(u),x∈Ω,u>0,in Ω,u|∂Ω=0 and lim|x|→∞u(x)=0. Here Ω is an exterior domain in Rn(n≥3) with compact C2-boundary, g∈C1((0,∞),(0,∞)) is nonincreasing on (0,∞) with limt→0g′(t)∫0tdsg(s)=−Cg≤0 and the function a is in Clocα(Ω), 0<α<1 satisfying 0<a1=lim infd(x)→0a(x)h(d(x))≤lim supd(x)→0a(x)h(d(x))=a2<∞, and 0<b1=lim inf|x|→∞a(x)k(|x|)≤lim sup|x|→∞a(x)k(|x|)=b2<∞, where d(x) is the Euclidean distance from x∈Ω to the boundary ∂Ω, h(t)=c1t−λexp(∫tηz(s)sds), λ≤2, c1>0 and z is continuous on [0,η] for some η>0 such that z(0)=0 and k(t)=c2t−μexp(∫1ty(s)sds), μ≥2, c2>0 and y is continuous on [1,∞) such that limt→∞y(t)=0.

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