
Wild strawberries (Fragaria vesca) are richer in (poly)phenols than common commercial strawberry varieties, e.g., Fragaria × ananassa. (Poly)phenols and their microbiota-derived metabolites are hypothesized to exert bioactivity within the human gut mucosa. To address this, the effects of wild strawberries are investigated with respect to their bioactivity and microbiota-modulating capacity using both in vitro and ex vivo approaches. Ileal fluids collected pre- (0h) and post-consumption (8h) of 225g wild strawberries by ileostomates (n = 5) and also in vitro digested strawberry varieties (Fragaria vesca and Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) supernatants are collected. Subsequent fermentation of these supernatants using an in vitro batch culture proximal colon model reveals significant treatment-specific changes in microbiome community structure in terms of alpha but not beta diversity at 24 h. Nutri-kinetic analysis reveals a significant increase in the concentration of gut microbiota catabolites, including 3-(4hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid, 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid, and benzoic acid. Furthermore, post-berry ileal fermentates (24 h) significantly (p< 0.01) decrease DNA damage (% Tail DNA, COMET assay) in both HT29 cells (∼45%) and CCD 841 CoN cells (∼25%) compared to untreated controls. Post berry consumption fermentates exhibit increased overall levels of (poly)phenolic metabolites, which retains their bioactivity, reducing DNA damage in colonocytes.

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