
Ex-situ conservation carried out by Taman Satwa Lembah Hijau Bandar Lampung (TSLHBL) is an effort made to protect species of plants and animals outside the original habitat. This study aims to determine the suitability of ex-situ wildlife conservation efforts in TSLHBL using observation and interview methods. Data was processed by evaluative comparison methods with conformity indicators for wildlife welfare of the Indonesian Zoo Association (PKBSI) and the Indonesian Society for Animal Welfare (ISAW). The results of the study of the suitability of cages and animal playgrounds from twenty-five cages found 44% of cages that were not according to PKBSI and ISAW namely: Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch), Owa Sumatera (Hylobates agilis), Merak Hijau (Pavo muticus), Rusa Timor (Cervus timorensis), Elang Hitam (Ictinaetus malayensis), Elang Brontok (Nisaetus cirrhatus), Elang Bondol (Haliastur indus), Beo (Gracula religiosa), Bangau Tong-tong (Leptoptilos javanicus), Binturung (Arctictis binturong), Buaya Muara (Crocodylus porosus), and Buaya Irian (Crocodylus novaeguineae). Of the twenty-six species of animals, only species of Merak Hijau (Pavo muticus) whose amount of feed does not match the amount of feed that should be given. Animals that produce offspring are only one deer in 2016, while other animals have no offspring. The utilization of wildlife in TSLHBL is for research, photo taking, visuals and animal attractions. Keywords: ex-situ conservation, wildlife conservation, wildlife parks lembah hijau

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