
随着互联网的普及,跨境电子商务以较高的增速发展,全球市场结构和商业模式的转变,使得中小企业在全球跨境电子商务中地位节节攀升,消费者也可以变为卖家参与到国际贸易中来,普惠贸易时代即将来临。本文介绍了eWTP(世界电子贸易平台)提出的背景及内涵,以及eWTP对普惠贸易的促进作用,分析了推进普惠贸易进程的难点,包括国际监管流程复杂,跨境税收面临困难;国际物流高成本、低效率制约普惠贸易发展;虚拟交易引发信用危机,第三方支付尚未完善;区域贸易协定阻碍全球普惠贸易发展,并给出相应的对策建议。 With the popularity of the Internet, cross-border e-commerce with high growth rate of develop-ment, the global market structure and business model changes, making small and medium enter-prises in the global cross-border e-commerce in the rising position, consumers can also become sellers to participate in international trade, inclusive trade era is approaching. This paper intro-duces the background and connotation of eWTP (Electronic World Trading Platform), and the promotion of eWTP to inclusive trade. It analyzes the difficulties in promoting the implementation of inclusive trade, including the imperfect international regulatory mechanism and the difficult implementation of government tax. High-cost, low efficiency restricts the development of inclusive trade; virtual transactions lead to credit crisis, third-party payment is not yet perfect; regional trade agreements hinder the development of global inclusive trade, and give the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

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