
The transformation that started with the concept of sustainability in today’s economic system, which is based on the faster growth of countries and a higher level of welfare, continues with the understanding of the seriousness of environmental problems. Countries that have high scores in the human development index (HDI) according to the planetary pressures-adjusted human development index (HDI) which are a re􀏐lection of this change and started to be calculated in 2019, fall behind in the rankings when evaluated with the damage they cause to the planet, and this situation is expressed by the pressure these countries put on the planet. The main objective of this study is to examine the HDI scores of the countries for 2019 in comparison with the HDI scores and to interpret the changes in global politics that countries put on the planet. Keywords: Planetary Pressures–Adjusted Human Development Index, Human Development Index, CO2 Emissions, Environmental Problems, Global Politics.

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