
The use of electronic voting is gradually replacing the traditional one. However, the issue of creating an honest and reliable electronic voting system is still open. Creating a reliable e-voting system that meets all security requirements is a difficult task. The paper presents an electronic voting system based on the principle of blind intermediaries using multiple ballots. The basic requirements for systems are described: eligibility, fairness, individual verifiability, universal verifiability, vote-privacy, receipt-freeness, coercion-resistance, vulnerable software/hardware resistance. Blind intermediaries allow you to exclude the user’s vote from communicating with any authentication data. The principle of multiple ballot casting allows verification of the correctness of the ballot without the use of evidence with zero disclosure, as well as ensures compliance with other requirements for electronic voting systems. The system architecture is described, and the components involved in the voting process are described. The voting process is described, consisting of several stages: preparation, voting, counting of results. Cryptographic protocols are used, which are used for data transfer between system components. The compliance with the security requirements of the system is justified.

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