
To report and interpret findings from national pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) job analysis surveys reflecting the changes in the knowledge and skills required for advanced practice. National role delineation studies (RDS) conducted by American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) in 2003, 2008, and 2011. Since the first nurse practitioner (NP) program was established in 1965 to train pediatric nurses for advanced practice, the role of the PNP has continued to develop. The RDS results demonstrate the increased autonomy of PNP's prescription of medication as the top work activity category identified, followed by the reporting of suspected abuse, exploitation, and/or neglect and immunizing based on current recommendations. Analysis of the changes in role or work activities, tied to the knowledge and skills required to perform those activities, can provide content for educators updating curriculum, for clinicians to remain current in their practice and impact healthcare policy. The current PNP role has evolved to meet the workforce demands of providing primary care to the pediatric population with increasing complex social and healthcare needs. Role analysis is important as NPs move forward to practice to the full extent of their education and training.

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