
During the communist regime from Romania the economic aspects were approached in the Romanian high education primordially from the Marxist theory perspective. After 1989 the whole system of Romanian education was reformed in order to face the requirements resulted from the new conditions. In particular, the economic high education had to pass from the Marxist approach to the study from the market economy positions. In this period of time, the preoccupations for the education act quality increase had to be adapted to the seldom limited financial resources of the universities. The adhesion to the European Union induced many challenges for the Romanian high education. First, the community standards in the field of education had to be accomplished. Second, the Lisbon Strategy implementation regarding the European Union economy competitiveness increase implies serious changes in the educational system. Third, the universities must adapt to the Bologna Process, having as objective the quality standards harmonization from the high education from the European countries. The decisions that have to be taken concerning the future evolutions of the Romanian economic university education are very complex in the conditions in which at world level there is a big diversity of opinions regarding the present education system effectiveness and to the ways it could be reformed. In this paper we will approach both the present situation of the Romanian economic high education and its possible future evolutions. We will use the results of an investigation among students, allowing them to express their perceptions regarding the present situation and the perspective of the Romanian economic university education.

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