
A mathematical of the thought process can be given a biological flavour by the inclusion of the evolutionary brain history, and acquires a physical character when each process in the is understood as an ordered series of developments of a specific structural-functional unit. Previouslyl) we proposed a regeneration of thought process in which the brain was regarded as an autonomous system which not only maps an external object as a pattern of neural firing, but generates automatically a series of patterns out of the original pattern according to certain generation rules. The original firing pattern, the immediate image of the external object, has then a self-reproducing property, and the establishment of the long-term memory, for example, is compared to the fixation of stable biological species according to Darwin's principle of in which nature selects species producing the highest number of descendants in a given (fixed or changing) environment. In the case of the brain, past experiences acquired genetically (hereditary skills) as well as individually (memory) through the interaction with the external world constitute the internal model of the external world which plays the role of the environment for the natural selection of the external information. In the present paper a preliminary attempt is made to understand the thought process (§ 2) and the evolution of the nervous system (§ 3) on the same footing as regenerative process obeying certain recursive algebraic rules 2 ) which possibly economize the information content of the increasingly complex structural-func­ tional correlate of the evolving and thinking nervous system.

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