
We study the classical and quantum models of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-time, coupled to a perfect fluid, in the context of the consensus and a gauge-fixed Lagrangian frameworks. It is shown that, either in the usual or in the gauge-fixed actions, the evolution of the Universe based on the classical cosmology represents a late time power law expansion, coming from a big-bang singularity in which the scale factor goes to zero for the standard matter, and tending towards a big-rip singularity in which the scale factor diverges for the phantom fluid. We then employ the familiar canonical quantization procedure in the given cosmological setting to find the cosmological wave functions in the corresponding minisuperspace. Using a gauge-fixed (reduced) Lagrangian, we show that it may lead to a Schr\"odinger equation for the quantum-mechanical description of the model under consideration, the eigenfunctions of which can be used to construct the time dependent wave function of the Universe. We use the resulting wave function in order to investigate the possibility of the avoidance of classical singularities due to quantum effects by means of the many-worlds and ontological interpretation of quantum cosmology.

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