
The salivary gland chromosomes of 10 species in the Drosophila mulleri subgroup (repleta group) have been re-analysed. These include the eight members of the South American buzzatti and martensis clusters, previously ascribed to the mulleri complex, and the two Caribbean species D. stalkeri and D. richardsoni, previously comprising the stalkeri complex. The chief results can be summarized as follows. Inversion 3a is not present in the martensis cluster. Hence, there is no cytological link between this cluster, or the buzzatii cluster, and the rest of the mulleri complex. Accordingly, a new species complex, the buzzatii complex, is established with the two South American clusters. D. stalkeri and D. richardsoni share at least two inversions with all the species in the buzzatii and martensis clusters, and produce hybrids in interspecific crosses with many of them. This indicates a close phylogenetic relationship. Therefore, D. stalkeri and D. richardsoni are incorporated as a cluster within the newly erected buzzatii complex. A phylogenetic tree illustrating the chromosomal evolution of the buzzatii complex is presented and all the previous cytological information concerning its members is reviewed.

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