
While steady-state kinetic parameters (metabolite pools, K m and activation energies) are partially known for the enzymes involved in phosphatidylcholine synthesis and degradation in mammalian brain, they are not available for the nervous system of lower vertebrates or invertebrates. Since the extent of evolutionary development of an enzyme is not known a priori, we evaluated the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of choline kinase, CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase, choline phosphotransferase and glycerophosphorylcholine phosphodiesterase in squid ( Loligo pealei) optic lobe, dogfish ( Mustelus canis) and rat brain. For all these enzyme activities, basic similarities in K m and inhibitor effect were found. The same was true for the activation energies Ea, with the exception of squid choline kinase and dogfish cytidylyltransferase. Treatment of microsomal membranes with phospholipase csharply inhibited cytidylyltransferase activity in all three animal species. In dogfish brain, glycerophosphorylcholine phosphodiesterase activity was undetectable. Our results are consistent with the notion that the kinetic properties of the enzyme activities leading to the preservation of the phosphatidylcholine membranous pool may have appeared early in metazoan evolution and been fully conserved in mammals.

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