
Selection on or reticulate evolution of mtDNA is documented in various mammalian taxa and could lead to misleading phylogenetic conclusions if not recognized. We sequenced the MT-ND6 gene of four sympatric Mustelid species of the genus Mustela from some central European populations. We hypothesised positive selection on MT-ND6, given its functional importance and the different body sizes and life histories of the species, even though climatic differences may be unimportant for adaptation in sympatry. MT-ND6 genes were sequenced in 187 sympatric specimens of weasels, Mustela nivalis, stoats, M. erminea, polecats, M. putorius, and steppe polecats, M. eversmannii, from eastern Austria and of fourteen allopatric polecats from eastern-central Germany. Median joining networks, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood analyses as well as Bayesian inference grouped all species according to earlier published phylogenetic models. However, polecats and steppe polecats, two very closely related species, shared the same two haplotypes. We found only negative selection within the Mustela sequences, including 131 downloaded ones covering thirteen species. Positive selection was observed on three MT-ND6 codons of other mustelid genera retrieved from GenBank. Negative selection for MT-ND6 within the genus Mustela suggests absence of both environmental and species-specific effects of cellular energy metabolism despite large species-specific differences in body size. The presently found shared polymorphism in European polecats and steppe polecats may result from ancestral polymorphism before speciation and historical or recent introgressive hybridization; it may indicate mtDNA capture of steppe polecats by M. putorius in Europe.

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