
The planktonic larvae of marine invertebrates are diverse in their nutritional modes, suggesting that evolutionary transitions in larval nutritional mode have been frequent. One approach to identifying the developmental changes that play important roles in such transitions is to compare "intermediate" larval forms to closely related larvae representative of their common ancestor. Here we make such a comparison between obligately planktotrophic and facultatively feeding larvae of the poecilogonous polychaete annelid Streblospio benedicti. We used feeding experiments to show that the derived, facultatively feeding larvae of this species develop the ability to feed at a later developmental stage (five muscle bands) than planktotrophic larvae (two to three muscle bands). This delay in the onset of feeding ability does not appear to be caused by delay in the formation of particle capture structures, but instead by delay in the development of a continuous, functional gut. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that evolutionary increases in egg size in annelids lead predictably to heterochronic delays in gut development, and hence to transitions in larval nutritional mode.

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