
A group of independent researchers tried to evaluate the hypotheses discussed about the origin and settlement of mankind, based on the concept of the genesis of the Ecosystem in the context of fundamental cultural studies. A detailed justification of the concept, on which the authors have been working for several years, was published in 2021 in the book “The Triumphant. The genesis of the Ecosystem in the context of fundamental cultural studies” (UDC 304.42, ISBN 978-5-901909-07-2). A comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the Ecosystem over billions of years, carried out by the authors, gives reason to believe that the point of view of social anthropology on the historical fate of the human race is based on incorrect initial data.The hypothesis of the genesis of humanity formulated and defended by the authors is as follows: 1. The controversy between atheists, agnostics and adherents of religious doctrines about the divinity of the creation of the earth and all that exists on it is a meaningless dispute that will not lead to the realization of the evolutionary algorithm of the Ecosystem, which has a clear goal — the creation of a being with unique properties that a person is endowed with. To realize this, it is necessary to consider the Ecosystem as a reality in which the rational and irrational components of being interact. 2. The evolutionary algorithm for the development of life is built on the principle of a branching tree of biota development options, the starting genome of which contained a combined formula “from simple to complex” and a mechanism for adapting biota to the radically changing state of the stagnant matter of the Ecosystem. 3. Man, as a kind of wildlife, arose simultaneously by the standards of geological time on different continents of the Earth. This was the prerequisite for racial differences in the areas of the initial settlement as a basis for the formation of the ethnogenetic diversity of the human population.

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