
Evolutional process of the Peking Man Cave, from funnel and vertical channel development in the Early Pliocene to the cave close in the late Middle Pleistocene, may be divided into six stages. Cave deposits in filling process of the cave from Layer 13 to Layer 1 can be divided into seven depositional cycles. These cycles allow a correspond with the loess sequences S7-L2 in China and oxygen isotope stages 19-6 of climatic cycles I-C of deep sea records. The living environments and cultural development of Peking Man in closely related to the cave environments of each stage in evolutional process and each cycle in depositional process of the cave are researched in this paper. The cave evolutional process has gone through about 4 Ma. The Peking Man start entered into the cave and made stone implements before 580 ka B.P. The cultural development of Peking Man may be divided into the early, middle and late three stages about in 580–420 ka, 420–340 ka and 340–250 ka, respectively. Peking Man's first used fire is about 530 ka B.P. Habitation of Peking Man concetrated in the western part of the cave after 340 ka B.P. when eastern cave roof was collapsed. Peking Man left the cave after 250 ka B.P. during the cave was continuous collapsed and almost filled up.

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