
The recent scanning tunnelling results of Alldredge and co-workerson Bi-2212 and of Hanaguri and co-workers on Na–CCOC(Ca2−xNaxCuO2Cl2) are examined from the perspective of the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS)/Bose–Einsteincondensation boson–fermion resonant crossover model for the mixed-valence hightemperature superconductor (HTSC) cuprates. The model specifies the two energy scalescontrolling the development of HTSC behaviour and the dichotomy often now alluded tobetween nodal and antinodal phenomena in the HTSC cuprates. An indication is extractedfrom the data as to how the choice of the particular HTSC system sees these two basicenergy scales (, the local pair binding energy, andΔsc, the nodal BCS-like gap parameter) evolve with doping and change in the degree ofmetallization of the structurally and electronically perturbed mixed-valent environment.

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