
© Zoo Outreach Organisation; www.zoosprint.org Manuscript 1485; Received 24 December 2005; Finally accepted 10 January 2006; Date of publication 21 February 2006 2204 March 2006 | ISSN 0973-2535 (Print edition); 0973-2551 (Online edition) The concept of evolution, since its inception as a scientific theory through publication of Charles Darwin’s “Origin of Species” in 1859, has faced religious opposition. Of late Creationism (disguised as Intelligent Design or in brief ID) has been gaining acceptance, specially in USA. According to a series of polls, conducted during the last 25 years, about 50% Americans believe in the original form of Creationism (Lewontin, 2005). Even President Bush of USA has said “yes” to teaching of evolution and ID side by side in science classes (Dawkins & Coyne, 2005). While the school board in Dover, Pennsylvania have voted against introduction of ID as an alternative to evolution in biology classes (Goodstein, 2005), inclusion of ID in curriculum along side evolution has been accepted by the school board in Kansas (Wilgoren, 2005). Though Pope John Paul II regarded evolution as more than a hypothesis, in November 2005 Pope Benedict XIV has spoken in favour of ID (Schonborn, 2005).

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