
PhD education in Spain has experienced rapid structural changes. Then, how have the PhD education changed over time? Two steps have been followed to answer this research question. First, I explore objectives and the structure stipulated in three main Royal Decrees (RDs), 185/1985, 778/1998 and the 99/2011 – related to the PhD education. With this analysis, the changes in the objectives and structure are identified. Second, some dimensions have been taken from these RDs to analyze them empirically, so I can illustrate the changes in the PhD education in Spain. Dimensions are examined using empirical data from the Human Resource Survey (HHRR2006) and using data from the Observatory of the Spanish Research Activity (IUNE). Main results show that the objectives and structure of the PhD education in Spain have changed. Objectives of the RDs have evolved considering historical facts. This means that objectives of the PhD education have pointed out Spain as a single nation in the RD 185/1985 and even in the RD 778/1998. However, big changes have been experienced in the RD 99/2011 where Spain is already looking at as a member of the European Union. Moreover, the empirical analysis evidenced an increase in the number of new professors and researchers along time. Also, the publication of scientific articles in the Institute for Science Information (ISI) has increased and become relevant with the RD 99/2011.

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