
Records of biogenic and terrigenous components have been obtained from the interval corresponding to the last 2.6 m.y. of ODP Sites 643 and 644 in order to reconstruct surface and deep water regimes in the Norwegian Sea. Surface water regimes record long lasting moderate glacial conditions during the interval 2.6–1.0 Ma. Small intrusions of Atlantic water episodically penetrated into the Norwegian Sea forming a narrow tongue along the eastern margin, which is documented at Site 644. The polar front was most probably situated between the Site 644 and 643 locations on the outer Vøring Plateau during these time intervals. Deep water regimes reflect long-term persistent corrosive bottom waters, most probably due to a weakly undersaturated water column and a low rate of carbonate shell production in surface waters. Deep water production in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea may have operated in a different way, e.g. brine formation during winter sea ice growth. Bottom waters were oxygenated throughout the entire period, and deep water was exchanged persistently with the North Atlantic. Increased glacial/interglacial environmental contrasts are documented, reflecting a strengthening of the Norwegian Current and intensified glaciations on the surrounding land masses during the interval 1.0–0.6 Ma. During this time a major shift in the mode of deep water production occurred. The onset of large amplitudes in glacial/interglacial environmental conditions with maximum contrasts in surface water regimes, different modes of deep water production, and intensified exchange with the North Atlantic marks the last 0.6 Ma. A broad development of the Norwegian Current is observed during peak interglacials, while during glacials seasonally variable sea ice cover and iceberg drift dominate surface water conditions.

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