
The subject of this research is representation of the images of Ob Ugrians in ethnographic illustrated publications of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries. The author examines the works of H. Rotht, J. B. Le Prince, H. G. Geissler as the visual and historical-ethnographic sources. The article touches upon the general historical, artistic and intellectual contexts of the second half of the XVIII – early XIX centuries, reflecting the dominant representations of the contemporaries on life and culture of Ob Ugrians. The approach proposed by Y. Slezkin that allows viewing the Ob Ugrians “with the eyes of Russians” is favored by the author. In analyzing the visual form of works, the author leant on the iconological method. The novelty of this research is defined by the relevance of studying visual representation of Ob Ugrians in the illustrated publications of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries based on the example of gravures by Roth, Le Prince, and Geissler. This topic is yet insufficiently studied from the perspective of existence of the corresponding historical-ethnographic research, as well as analysis of the artistic for of the works. The task for reconstruction of representations of the artists themselves on life and culture of Ob Ugrians is also relevant. These views were formed within the framework of particular theoretical models, concepts, historical-ethnographic ideas of that time, and were a reflection of the dominant aesthetic canons and artistic conventions, which ultimately outlined the general “portrait” of Ob Ugrians.

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