
The rapid spread of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in humans has been accompanied by continuous extensive genetic diversification of the virus. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of HIV-1 diversification on HIV-1 replication capacity (RC) and mutational robustness. Thirty-three HIV-1 protease sequences were amplified from three groups of viruses: two naïve sample groups isolated 15 years apart plus a third group of protease inhibitor-(PI) resistant samples. The amplified proteases were recombined with an HXB2 infectious clone and RC was determined in MT-4 cells. RC was also measured in these three groups after random mutagenesis in vitro using error-prone PCR. No significant RC differences were observed between recombinant viruses from either early or recent naïve isolates (P = 0.5729), even though the proteases from the recent isolates had significantly lower sequence conservation scores compared with a subtype B ancestral sequence (P<0.0001). Randomly mutated recombinant viruses from the three groups exhibited significantly lower RC values than the corresponding wild-type viruses (P<0.0001). There was no significant difference regarding viral infectivity reduction between viruses carrying randomly mutated naïve proteases from early or recent sample isolates (P = 0.8035). Interestingly, a significantly greater loss of RC was observed in the PI-resistant protease group (P = 0.0400). These results demonstrate that protease sequence diversification has not affected HIV-1 RC or protease robustness and indicate that proteases carrying PI resistance substitutions are less robust than naïve proteases.

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