
Revision of crustal architecture and evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Supercollage (CAOS) between the breakup of Rodinia and assembly of Pangea shows that its internal pattern cannot be explained via a split of metamorphic terranes from and formation of juvenile magmatic arcs near the East European and Siberian cratons, followed by zone-parallel complex duplication and oroclinal bending of just one or two magmatic arcs/subduction zones against the rotating cratons. Also, it cannot be explained by breakup of multiple cratonic terranes and associated magmatic arcs from Gondwana and their drift across the Paleoasian Ocean towards Siberia. Instead, remnants of early Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere at the southern, western and northern periphery of the Siberian craton, as well as Neoproterozoic arc magmatism in terranes, now located in the middle of the CAOS, suggest oceanic spreading and subduction between Eastern Europe and Siberia even before the breakup of Rodinia at 740–720Ma. Some Precambrian terranes in the western CAOS and Alai-Tarim-North China might have acted as a bridge between Eastern Europe and Siberia.The CAOS evolution can be rather explained by multiple regroupings of old and juvenile crust in eastern Rodinia in response to: 1) 1000–740Ma propagation of the Taimyr-Paleoasian oceanic spreading centres between Siberian and East European cratons towards Alai-Tarim-North China; 2) 665–540Ma opening and expansion of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean, collision of Siberian and East European cratons with formation of the Timanides and tectonic isolation of the Paleoasian Ocean; 3) 520–450Ma propagation of the Dzhalair-Naiman and then Transurals-Turkestan oceanic spreading centres, possibly from the Paleotethys Ocean, between Eastern Europe and Alai-Tarim, essentially rearranging all CAOS terranes into a more or less present layout; and 4) middle to late Paleozoic expansion of the Paleotethys Ocean and collision of Alai-Tarim-North China cratons with CAOS terranes and Siberian craton to form the North Asian Paleoplate prior to its collision with Eastern Europe along the Urals to form Laurasia. Two to five subduction zones, some stable long-term and some short-living or radically reorganized in time, can be restored in the CAOS during different phases of its evolution.

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