
AbstractWe calculate the evolution of stars with their initial mass of 9-11M⊙ under very fine initial mass grid of 0.01M⊙. We determine the lower critical mass for Ne ignition in an ONe core that has not undergone the thermal pulse episode. The values are 9.83M⊙ for the initial mass and 1.365M⊙ for the CO core mass. A star with an initial mass slightly larger than the critical, undergoes an off-center Ne+O ignition. Since the energy production rate of Ne+O burning and lasting electron capture reactions is sufficiently large to ignite Si, an Fe core forms as a result of shell Si burning. For a star just below the critical mass, an ONe core continues to contract. In such a high density core, electron capture by nuclei produced through C burning affects the core evolution. After 20Ne starts to capture electrons, the core may ignite O and undergo O detonation. The fate may be an Electron Capture Supernova.

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