
Abstract. Modern terrestrial laser scanners and photogrammetric imaging systems can provide highly accurate and objective as-built records of existing architectural, engineering, and industrial sites. This comprehensive digital recording benefits culturally significant places like heritage buildings, monuments, and other vital structures. The collected data can be instrumental in various ways, including aiding in conservation, management, monitoring and repair efforts and serving as an educational resource for scholars and the general public. These technical capabilities are especially well-suited for architecturally complex, ornate buildings like the Aachen Cathedral UNESCO World Heritage site. This paper describes the recent recording efforts at the Aachen Cathedral and is a comparative study of the previous documentation work done at the Cologne Cathedral.The 3D documentation of the Aachen Cathedral UNESCO World Heritage Site is an ongoing collaborative project between the Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, and in partnership with RWTH Aachen University, and the Dombauhütte Aachen.

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