
The course ‘Evolution of Parasites and Host–Parasites Relationships’, held at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, 3–5 May 2000, was organized by Marie-Claude Durette-Desset and Jean-Lou Justine. In such limited time, it certainly cannot cover all aspects of the topic. More than 40 people attended this year, mainly from France and Belgium. The course is atypical for several reasons: it deals with evolution of parasites and host–parasite systems, and is probably unique; the field is so large that speakers are recruited from various areas of parasitological research, from veterinary and medicine to general natural history; attendees are a mixture of junior and senior parasitologists, from medical and non-medical institutions, and pre- and post-doctoral students. The course is free of charge to students, who are requested to present a personal written report in order to receive an official document from the Ecole Doctorale du Museum, but no obligation is made. Speakers are invited to provide not only abstracts, but also informative, well-illustrated handouts – each student received more than 150 pages of documents. See http://www.mnhn.fr/mnhn/bpph/Enseignement/Evolution2000.htm, where some of these documents are available.

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