
Purpose: to assess the efficacy and safety of needling performed by the new scleroconjunctival dissector according to our specific technique.Patients and methods. The study included 60 patients diagnosed with operated subcompensated or decompensated glaucoma. Thirty patients underwent microinvasive reoperation with the help of a sclero-conjunctival dissector. The control group consisted of 30 patients; they underwent repeated sinustrabeculectomy with iridectomy. A standard ophthalmological examination and ultrasound biomicroscopy were performed before the operation and in dynamics (after 1, 3, 6, 9 months).Results: 76.7 % of the experimental group had IOP less than or equal to 15 mm Hg six months after microinvasive reoperation. In the control group, the same mark was 70 %. Hyphema occurred in 23.3 % of the main group, it was stopped by conservative treatment. 10 % of patient developed choroid detachment, it did not require surgical treatment. Hyphema was formed in 36.7 % in the control group and choroid detachment — in 53.3 % of patients. The complications were more manifested and required surgical treatment in the control group. According to the data of ultrasound biomicroscopy, the acoustic density in the control group steadily increased, while the height of the filtration bleb first increased and then decreased. This may indicate significant tissue induration, probably as a result of fibrosis after an operating injury. The intrascleral «lake» height does not differ between the groups when comparing dynamic observations, and the volume of the intrascleral cavity is significantly greater in the main group than in the control group (p < 0.0001) at admission and during dynamic observation. The text of the article describes a clinical case of a patient who underwent microinvasive reoperation.Conclusion. When there are indications for re-surgery, an adequate and thorough diagnosis of the preservation of the surgically created outflow tract, namely gonioscopy and ultrasound biomicroscopy, is important. In patients with intact internal fistula and without pronounced fibrosis of the intrascleral drainage pathways, it is possible to carry out microinvasive reoperation according to our technique using a scleroconjunctival dissector, this allows to reduce the risk of postoperative complications and achieve hypotensive efficacy comparable to repeated filtering surgery.


  • Вопросы глаукомы и ее лечения не теряют своей ак‐ туальности уже много десятков лет

  • Адекватная полная предоперацион‐ ная диагностика, включающая гониоскопию и УЗБМ у ранее оперированных по поводу глаукомы больных позволяет четко сформулировать показания и противо‐ показания для микроинвазивной реоперации с исполь‐ зованием склеро-конъюнктивального диссектора

  • Боткина», филиал No 1 «Оф‐ тальмологическая клиника» Самойленко Александр Игоревич кандидат медицинских наук, заведующий витреоретинальным отделением фи‐ лиала No 1 2-й Боткинский проезд, 5, Москва, 125284, Российская Федерация https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5796-6012

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В исследование вошли 60 пациентов с диагнозом «оперированная субкомпенсированная или деком‐ пенсированная глаукома». Для ви‐ зуализации интрасклеральных путей оттока использо‐ вали ультразвуковую биомикроскопию

Статистические методы анализа
Демографическая характеристика пациентов основной и контрольной группы
Клиническая характеристика
Дооперационный местный гипотензивный режим
Осложнения проведенного вмешательства
Оценка максимальной корригированной остроты зрения
Ультразвуковая биомикроскопия
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