
Results of the study of the microstructural evolution and microhardness changes of dispersion-hardened V–Cr–Zr–W alloy under severe deformation during torsion on Bridgman anvils are presented. Typical structural states and mechanisms of their formation are revealed for basic evolution stages as well as appropriate microhardness values are determined. It was shown that at true logarithmic strain values (e) in the range 0.7 ≤ e < 2.7 the microstructure of the alloy under investigation is characterized by strong heterogeneity. After e > 2, the anisotropic submicrocrystalline structure is observed and the formation of two-level nanostructural states was found within grains. In the strain range (e) from 3 to 6.6, submicrocrystal sizes hardly change, but changes of two-level nanostructural state parameters are observed: the nanofragment size decreases and values of elastic curvature of the crystal lattice increases.

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