
Abstract Experimental water retention curve (WRC) obtained under constant volume (isochoric) conditions is crucial in the coupled hydro-mechanical formulation of unsaturated soils and for studying the role of void volume changes on the water retention behaviour of porous media. Experimental WRCs currently available in the literature are often unsuitable for this purpose since they include the effects of change in the void volume with suction that occurs during the course of a WRC test. In this paper, difficulties and limitations associated with obtaining experimental Isochoric WRC (IC-WRC) are discussed. Subsequently, an approach for obtaining IC-WRCs along wetting path is presented, and the experimental wetting path IC-WRCs for three types of soils at different void ratios are obtained. Results from this work as well as data from the literature are utilised to examine trends in the evolution of IC-WRC with void ratio and their prediction using the model recently developed by the authors [36] .

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